Listed by: Arco de Triunfo
The Reward
Arc de Triomphe - Psg. de Lluís Companys
Sculptor: Josep Llimona
Architect: Josep Vilaseca
Materials: Artificial stone of portland cement
Inauguration: May 20, 1888

Apotheosis of Science and Arts
Located at the Arc de Triomphe - Pg. de Lluís Companys
Sculptor: Torquat Tasso
Architect: Josep Vilaseca
Materials: Artificial stone of portland cement
Inauguration: May 20, 1888

Arc de Triomphe - Psg. de Lluís Companys
Sculptors: Manuel Fuxà, Pere Carbonell
Architect: Josep Vilaseca
Materials: Artificial stone of portland cement
Inauguration: May 20, 1888