Goddess Venus, Mediterranean

Parc de la Ciutadella

Sculptor: Josep Dunyach, signed
Materials: Stone from Montjuïc

The sculpture contest that was to fill the Plaza de Catalunya between 1927 and 1928 ran into a wave of morality which was inconvenient place in such a central nude figures. In September 1928 eight statues that had already been installed were removed by the contractor why Enrique Closa. This Goddess, by Jose Dunyach, was a and was taken in the Parque de la Ciutadella, between the lake and the Parliament of Catalonia. In 2011 the site was changed from standing in a parterre between the monument to the 1888 Exhibition of Antoni Clavé and The Night of Vicente Navarro.

  • S. Pere, S. Caterina i La Ribera
  • Parc de La Ciutadella


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