
Zoo (Parc de la Ciutadella)

Sculptor: Joan Borrell i Nicolau
Materials: Bronze
Inauguration: July 13, 1929

Antoni Jonch, director of the Zoo, picked up in the municipal stores in times of austerity to find sculptures that fit with the institution. Thus he found two eagles from the Fuente de la Aurora, by Joan Borrell Nicolau, who had been the Jardinets de Gracia -which today is called Salvador Espriu- on the thirties, and another that was above the Fuente del Águila, which It was on the Olmos walk of the Ciutadella Park. Another version insists that all eagles come from the Fuente de la Aurora. The eagles, located next to a picturesque reproduction of the mountains of Montserrat, from the days of the 1888 exhibition, are now part of the decoration of a bar known as the Eagles Picnic.

  • S. Pere, S. Caterina i La Ribera
  • Parc de La Ciutadella


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