In memory of members of the US Navy, who died on 17 January 1977

Portal de la Pau

Sculptor: Gabriel Alabert
Materials: Wrought iron on white marble base with bronze medallion
Inauguration: January 18, 1978

On 17 January 1977, a barge returned 130 American sailors and Guam Trenton ships that were anchored in the port of Barcelona. There was fog and a merchant ship, the Urbea, he rammed. The shock was so remarkable that 49 of the 130 sailors died in the waters of the harbor. A year and a day after the tragedy, the US Consulate opened the port, the promenade wearing Maritime Station, a monolith, sculptor Gabriel Alabert, dedicated to the memory of the victims as well as a testimony of gratitude to those who had helped in the rescue. On 30 January 1998, twenty years later, there was a ceremony in front of the monolith, as a reminder, but as the Portal de la Pau, new destination monolith as a result of the construction of the World Trade Centre in the Moll de Barcelona.

  • Port Vell
  • Portal de la Pau

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