Palace of the Marquès de Lió
The interior of the building retains all the original layout, as in the eighteenth century its owner, Josep Mora and tasting, first Marquis of Llió, turned into a paper mill
Behind the palace he built a paper mill remained in operation until 1990.
In 1920, Charles Deering, who had built the complex of Maricel and restore the walled enclosure of Tamarit, tried to buy the Gothic façade. The owner then, Ròmul Torrents i Albet, put a price of 20,000 coats and 40,000 duros for each for each window. Given this price so high, the American millionaire stopped.
In 1995 it was purchased by the City of St. Peter the flight Riudebitlles earmarked for cultural uses.
S. Pere, S. Caterina i La Ribera - C. de Montcada, 12
L4 JAUME I - Bus V15