Porxos del Rec
While the buildings are all the work of the eighteenth century, all the arcade has its origins in the lawsuit filed by a group of five tuna in 1786 for use as a work area
At the time of its construction allowed the closure of commercial space. Recently, on different dates and required by current legislation, have been releasing spaces and left permanently open for pedestrians. Currently only one is closed.
The urban continuity under the arcade is highly consolidated, with the exception of a shop that has closed the space porch shutters creating the single point of discontinuity.
The front porches of playing the variety of styles and materials of the buildings. Thus we have stone columns and other brick manual. The capitals are different forms of being frequent sober Renaissance. Portals and local lobbies are hidden but enjoy the shelter of the arcades, making it possible to promote business.
Stylistically it is a work popular judging by the simplicity of forms and lack of arquitravades decorations architectural elements such as capitals, pedestals and columns.
S. Pere, S. Caterina i La Ribera - C. Rec, 38-56
L4 BARCELONETA - Bus 39, 51, 120