The Born Centre Cultural
Under the structure of an emblematic market with iron casting architecture of the 19th century, the archaeological site of 1700 Barcelona is found
Which is unique in Europe, along with the old market, the memory of the events of 1714 and exhibitions, all located at El Born Centre Cultural, a new and exceptional historic venue that links three centuries of history.
Barcelona 1700. From stones to people:
An exhibition to recall Barcelona society of the 18th century, that was a dynamic and modern society, but also marked by the wars suffered between 1691 and 1714.
The exhibition includes around 1,800 objects that have provided valuable new information to portray everyday life and how the people of Barcelona lived three centuries ago. Linked to the permanent exhibition at the foot of the site, there will also be three exhibition areas displaying various objects. The most remarkable is the Sala de la Guerra (War Room), where a selection of over three hundred bombs are exhibited, of different sizes, types and materials which were discovered during the excavation.
The exhibition is structured in three major areas: La Gran Casa (The Home), La Ciutat pròspera (The prosperous City), La vida quotidiana (Everyday life), La Ciutat atacada i mutilada (The attacked and mutilated City) and La Ciutat refeta (The rebuilt City).
© Turisme de Barcelona
Access to the center is free at this time, during which the doors of the mall and the shopping street are open.
Visits to the exhibition spaces and the site are extra:
Price: 6 € (exhibition and site spaces)
Reduced: € 4.20
Under 16 free
Tuesday to Sunday, from 10am to 8pm.
Closed: January 1st, May 1st, December 25th and 26th.
S. Pere, S. Caterina i La Ribera - Pl.Comercial, 12
- 93 256 68 50
L4 BARCELONETA - Bus 39, 51, 120, H14
- Bus Turístic Pla de Palau