Casa Puigxuriguer
This house is of Gothic origin but was profoundly transformed the eighteenth, when it rose to the top floor and XIX
Know that 1344 was inhabited by the noble family of Romeo and in 1715 was acquired by John Puigxoriguer. Today it houses the Museum of Mammoth
Access to the courtyard is via a step beams where there is a marble plaque recalling that during the general procession of Corpus Christi June 13, 1762, the Custody of a storm took refuge in this house. The corner is inside the access arch that starts from two pilasters. The yard has a covered stairway that relies on a rampant arch which leads to the first floor that is decorated with reliefs threshold vegetables. Features a large open arch to the ground registered with the date 1753.
S. Pere, S. Caterina i La Ribera - C. Montcada, 1